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The Days Grow Shorter


2023 is nearly gone and, though the days grow shorter, the to-do list is longer than ever! The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us as we say goodbye to 2023 and ready ourselves to welcome the new year.


The homestead is busy, as usual, with daily chores and weekend work on the cabin. The weather here has been lovely, though, with no bitter cold temperatures or snow to worry about, yayy! The sunsets and sunrises have been amazing these last few weeks, so much so that I have been stopped in my tracks many times to stand and admire the big sky painted in many shades of pink, red, and orange. The deer have been moving through with their quiet eyes and careful steps and the coyotes have been prolific and noisy with their yips and howls. So much to see and hear if one only stops to observe and listen!

Even though my days have been filled with activity, I find myself thrilled with every inch of work and every moment of the day. I believe that the Slow Living mindset is the reason behind feeling joyful and peaceful despite being surrounded by a world that is moving at warp speed. I’ve filled my life and days with what matters most to me so the chaos that lives outside the door stays there 🙂 Even my day job that pays the bills has been more of a pleasure in the last few weeks, perhaps because my frame of mind has changed so much in the last year and that has spilled into every aspect of my life. There is so much to be grateful for, so much beauty to be relished and admired, and so much joy around us just waiting for us to slow down and take notice!

I realize this may sound corny, but over the last year since I have adopted the Slow Living concept, I have seen such a change in my life. I encourage you to take time this holiday season to research this amazing lifestyle. If you want more information, please check out my other blog posts and my Twitter (X) account. I am always finding quotes about Slow Living that inspire me so I share them there quite regularly!


Finally, I’d like to share some news that I am both thrilled and terrified about! In just a few days, my new book, Soul Carving, will be released to the world! December 20th is the big day that my book baby will be available for purchase. It’s terrifying to know that something I have poured my soul into will be out there for anybody to read, but it’s exhilarating at the same time. Writing this story has been an adventure, and the second and third books in the series are continuing the adventure. If you’ve enjoyed Soul Carving, would you consider leaving a review? Thank you for being here – I’m excited to introduce you to the next installment in the series in the coming months!


On that note, I’m going to end this with my very best wishes to you and those you hold dear. I’m wishing you peace, joy, and love during this holiday season and I want to thank you for being part of my journey. It means a great deal to me that you have chosen to give me the gift of your time in this crazy world.


Much love and peace to you and yours,

Noelle 💜

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